Monday, July 23, 2012

Weekend Hell TGIM!!!

Thank God it's Monday!  Woohoo!  No crying kids, nervous laughter, harsh words, or fear in general.  He's gone to work, and will every day till Friday.  Friday.  My heart just sped up a's Monday, embrace what you have an be happy your 4 from Friday.  I hate Friday.

Why do I hate Fridays?  That's pretty obvious, he comes home and doesn't go back to work till Monday....glorious Monday.  At least he comes home late on the weekdays.  But the kids still get on edge about an hour before he gets home, even the dog hides.  Our dog rocks.

But it's Monday, and I love you Monday!

*Step One complete - Paper work written up by one AWESOME friend who's great with forms.  My eyes bleed when I read them, can't imagine trying to set one up!

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